Honestly, I’m neither a computer scientist nor a programmer. I’m a power engineer. But, as you might notice, programming (I mean ‘coding’) has no boundaries. It penetrates across various fields, including power engineering. I even see many social researchers who utilize computer programming for their works.

I’m currently dealing with the application of stochastic optimization on grid-connected microgrids. I feel that this field is closer to computing, rather than to power engineering itself. During my initial works, I indeed found some optimization tools developed by computer scientists, which I’m still using until now. This has been a prologue for me to deal with something called GitHub as those tools are normally shared on this platform.

Initially, I did not have any intention to create a GitHub account. What motivated me to do so is that I saw developers of those tools (and many more) having beautiful websites whose URL are ended with ‘github.io’. I want to have such a website and move from my previous website. The problem is that building website from the scratch on GitHub Pages is very difficult. If you’re like me, you will spend much time just for learning basic syntax of HTML. Fortunately, I could realize it without having to continue suffering with HTML :). The ready-to-use templates are the ultimate solutions in this case.

After trying so many Jekyll templates (some of them are truly beautiful, by which the creators should be commended), I am back to Jekyll’s Minima theme. It is simple, elegant, and beautiful.

So, today is the date I launched this blog, but the process of moving the posts from my previous blog is underway. The posts dated before today are the results of such migrations. Anyway, thanks for visiting.